«Portrait of Anna Pavlova»
Artist Rinat K.
In the United Kingdom, the representative office of the Ethno Art Fest company hosted the Historical and Art exhibition «Anna Pavlova» from November 1 to November 15, 2021.
The year 2021 marks the 140th anniversary of the birth of Anna Pavlova (1881-1931), a great dancer of the twentieth century, whose name has become one of the symbols of classical choreographic art.
This year was marked by two more events associated with Anna Pavlova. As we know, this artist with incredible talent and rare working efficiency gave an idea to impresario Sergei Diaghilev to include ballet performances in his «Russian Seasons», which first appeared in London 110 years ago. The Victoria Palace Theatre was opened in 1911 whose impresario and owner Alfred Butt, a big admirer of Anna Pavlova’s talent, ordered to erect her sculpture on the dome of the theater building.
The exhibition helped to get an idea of Anna Pavlova’s versatile talent, her unique dancing style and the amazing world of ballet art to which she had dedicated her whole life.
The central exhibit was the «Portrait of Anna Pavlova» painted by Rinat K. who portrayed the ballerina as the «Swan», which became a visit card of the ballerina. The author of the painting tried not only to convey a reliable resemblance to the model, but also to capture the ballerina in her characteristic creative atmosphere.

The exhibition presented objects of art, paintings and graphic works dedicated to Anna Pavlova. Special attention of the audience was attracted by sketches of scenery and costumes. Among the most valuable exhibits of the exhibition are: lithographs «A. Pavlova in the role of the Sugar Plum Fairy», «Swan Lake», «Anna Pavlova as a Dragonfly», «Chopiniana», «Anna Pavlova in the Sleeping Beauty», graphic portraits of Pavlova's contemporaries, engravings, statuettes and commemorative medals.

A separate section of the exhibition was made up of rare books dedicated to Pavlova. Among them are the «Anna Pavlova» book written by Valerian Svetlov (Ivchenko), a ballet critic, journalist and one of organizers of the «Russian Seasons» in Paris, and published in 1931 in London and 1975 in the USA; a book by the famous British dancer Kharkurt Aldzheranov who danced with А.Pavlova - «Аnna Pavlova. Ten years from the life of a Russian ballet star»; An important exhibit was a book written by Victor Dandre - Pavlova's husband and impresario.
The exposition also showed portraits of famous composers, choreographers, ballet dancers and other famous contemporaries of Anna Pavlova: Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Marius Petipa, Sergey Diaghilev, Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov, Igor Stravinsky, Vaclav Nijinsky, Sergey Lifar, George Balanchin, Ninette de Valois, Marie Rambert, Frederick Ashton and others.
